Benefits of Neuro-diverse Group Therapy
Wellness professionals are seeing an uptick in the number of young adults unable to cope and manage basic life skills. Our groups offer a high level of comfort and safety for young adults who may be unresponsive, lack drive, and/or unwilling to work. Due to digital media, current world affairs, and family structure many lack the skills to engage in life.
Group is Facilitated by Life Navigation Facilitator (LNF), Jody “Ziggy” Sigmund who is a working & training under the auspice of 2 Mind Well Counseling and Bowie Hahn, LMFT. Ziggy brings an eclectic style to group sessions. Tapping into the issues these young adults are dealing with every day. Ziggy, shares his own story openly, provoking the group to share their own life issues. With the use of scenarios, role play, and more, he entices the group to engage. Group helps young adults become self-aware, self-confident, and find purpose.
- Support Team – Bowie Hahn, LMFT | Ziggy, LNF
- Location – Safe air-conditioned game room with comfortable seating
- Group – Sessions offer a safe space to listen, learn, relate, experience, and be heard
- Communication – Weekly support text messages (positive affirmations, and reminders)
- Support – Ziggy consults with wellness professionals to help guide in the healing process
- Group Therapy
- The Four Agreements (course work)
- Social Media Addiction
- Replacing The Dopamine Hit
- Mindful Breathing & Meditation
- Writing & Submitting A Resume
- Learning Interview Techniques
- Setting up A Calendar & Completing Goals
- (IRL) Real Life Role Play
- Healthy Communication & Self Talk
- Relating to Parents “The Parent Trap”
- Hear It from Your Parents (parents are invited)
- Coping & Managing Social Anxiety
- Budgeting
- Weight Loss
- Healthy Living
- 7-Day & 30-Day Life Challenge
- Drumming
While individual and family therapy are effective in developing healthy self-esteem, studies show that people who engage in group therapy communicate more spontaneously and freely, build community connections and have better treatment outcomes. Most people know what to expect from individual therapy but aren’t aware of the benefits of group therapy, especially for teens and young adults. Group therapy is an effective way for teens and young adults to connect, get support and make positive changes. They’re able to learn skills and strategies while also developing a positive social support system. Here are just a few reasons why group therapy works for teens and young adults:
Support and Connection: Group members share their thoughts, feelings and experiences among like minded peers and can relate to one another. They begin to realize they’re not alone and that their experiences aren’t as unique and isolating as they believed. They begin to develop a positive social support system and become more connected with peers making positive changes.
Having a positive peer support system decreases stress, loneliness and isolation; enhances your sense of belonging; and creates hope and optimism for the future.
Improve interpersonal skills – think of group as a safe space to practice social skills. It’s an opportunity to share, listen and engage in conversations in a judgement free environment. Overtime this can boost confidence and communication skills and reduce anxiety. You learn to problem solve from peer support and feedback while being challenged (in a positive way) to look at issues from a different perspective. Feedback from a peer in group often can be more impactful than from a parent or therapist. Connectedness is powerful!
Anxious about group? You can benefit by just listening until you feel comfortable enough to share. Most people find that they have things in common and can relate to other group members. As group members share and work on themselves you can learn more about yourself and what’s worked for others.
At holganic we believe in the power of connectedness and positive peer support. Our community provides a safe, judgement-free zone for compassionate listening, open dialogue, mutual respect and support for each person’s journey. Together, we work to develop and strengthen the social skills necessary to live a more productive, fulfilling life and form and maintain healthy relationships.
For more information click here.